K-12 NSQ-Aligned Teaching Online Certificate

The QM NSQ-Aligned Teaching Online Certificate (TOC) lets you explore quality online course delivery through the lens of the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching. You’ll build your skillset while fostering deeper alignment with NSQ Standards. For K-12 teachers who have earned the QM Teaching Online Certificate, these workshops offer new content and perspective to online instruction. The set includes five self-paced, facilitated workshops — each focusing on a different NSQ Standard.

Complete all five workshops to receive a digital credential showing your mastery of skills aligned to the NSQ Teaching Standards. You'll also receive a credential for each workshop!

Wyoming teachers — completing the NSQ-Aligned TOC can earn you your Virtual Educator Endorsement!

Fee with Membership
$200 per workshop
$350 per workshop
Additional Information
Workshop NameSelf-Paced Open PeriodEstimated TimeFee/Member Fee
The Professional Online TeacherThree Weeks10-15 hrs$350/$200
Modeling Responsible Online PresenceThree Weeks10-15 hrs$350/$200
Exploring Your Institution's PoliciesThree Weeks10-15 hrs$350/$200
Orienting Your Online LearnersThree Weeks10-15 hrs$350/$200
Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching StrategiesThree Weeks10-15 hrs$350/$200
Total15 Weeks50-75 hrs$1750/$1000

* After completion of the fifth workshop, the K-12 NSQ-Aligned Teaching Online Certificate and digital credential will be issued within 48 hours.