Modeling Responsible Online Presence (MROP)

Modeling Responsible Online Presence (MROP)

Participants will learn to create and maintain a secure, ethical online learning environment that promotes responsible digital citizenship.
Online Delivery (Asynchronous)
Course Length:
Three weeks
Fee with Membership (Single Registration):
Fee (Single Registration):

This workshop delves into creating and maintaining a responsible digital learning environment. It addresses setting clear expectations for online behavior, understanding and implementing intellectual property policies, and protecting student privacy. The content emphasizes practical application of digital citizenship principles, including netiquette, plagiarism prevention, and compliance with federal privacy regulations like FERPA.

This workshop aligns with NSQ Standard B: Digital Citizenship.

Learning Objectives
  1. Create comprehensive classroom guidelines that define and promote responsible digital citizenship behaviors.
  2. Evaluate instructional materials for compliance with copyright and fair use policies, and develop strategies to teach these concepts to students.
  3. Apply federal privacy regulations to create procedures that protect student information in the online environment.

Ability to read and write standard business English.

What Participants Need
  1. 10-15 hours to complete at their own pace during the three-week period
  2. Computer with internet access
Special Notes

Workshops open monthly on the first Wednesday and close after three weeks. The work is self-paced with a portfolio assignment submitted to a facilitator upon completion (prior to workshop closure).

Offered as Virtual Workshop for a Group:
Offered as Online Workshop for a Group:
Offered as On-Site Workshop for a Group: