Videos have become a cornerstone of online courses, with stakeholders such as instructors, instructional designers, and students offering a range of perspectives on the elements that make them compelling. This study examined these diverse viewpoints, Aiming to uncover disparities and commonalities. Its primary focus is to pinpoint the best practices for creating and curating instructional videos, a crucial endeavor in the realm of online education.
Yes, course design matters! We compared average course grades before and after online courses were redesigned and found that engaging a professional instructional designer positively influences student performance, resulting in significantly higher average grades compared to courses without such support. Come learn what we do to make a difference!
UAkron's online learning team will share its multi-faceted approach to quality assurance that includes an interactive alignment document, scaffolded professional development, simplified workflows, and our UAkron Online Promise. We will discuss our distinct approach to overcoming challenges in ensuring consistent alignment with educational standards, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of courses, building faculty development for improved teaching practices, and increased student engagement.
Discover the hidden gems of distance ed with the Teaching & Learning Book of Secrets, a collection of insights from 11 experts with decades of experience and research. Join us to discuss strategies to foster collaboration, ensure quality, enhance efficacy, and leverage relationships. Learn how to transform online classrooms and entire institutions.
Join us to learn how to start and sustain a faculty professional development initiative focused on quality course design, effective integration of technology, and course management. In this session, we will discuss how workshops and training offered in different modalities reach the greatest number of faculty.
Transitioning faculty to a new online environment can present many challenges. At UA Little Rock we leveraged this opportunity to ensure quality while enhancing student retention and success efforts. In this session, you’ll hear strategies the Office of eLearning utilized to help implement wide-spread change on campus as we transition to a new LMS. Participants will leave with fresh ideas for engaging faculty and have the opportunity to share what has worked at their institution.
Any QM expert knows alignment can be a bumpy road! Sometimes we come across potholes like unclear objectives and unaligned activities and assessments. In this presentation, the speaker will distill how the nouns (the what) of a standard and the verbs (the how) form a foundation for alignment. During this 50-minute road trip, we’ll make pit stops using tools like polls and small group activities to better understand how to reach our alignment destination.
Too often, learners construct barriers to their own learning with problematic self-identifications like "I'm bad at math" or "I'm a bad writer" causing them to disengage. Game-based activities and game-like learning can help learners shed these identities and embrace new ones as active players in the game of learning. Join us to explore the underlying principles of game-based, game-like, and gamified learning, apply these design principles to the classroom, and play a rousing round of Fear Pong.
The presentation tackles challenges in online course creation: inefficient processes, inadequate SME training, and inconsistency, crucial as online education grows. Ensuring quality, aligned with industry standards, is vital for effective learning. Indiana Online's journey offers insights: Comprehensive documentation and SOPs ensure consistency. Ongoing PD for IDs and SMEs keeps practices updated. Effective communication and clear processes ensure a consistent learning experience.
UL Lafayette has conducted nearly 50 QM Subscriber-Managed course reviews: 7 between 2019-2022 and 42 between 2022-2024. The increase in successful reviews was the result of a novel course review cohort model. This presentation will discuss (1) incorporating a cohort model in support of the established QM Subscriber-Managed review; (2) quantitative results reflecting the actual and perceived benefits to courses and faculty; and (3) lessons learned from implementing a cohort-review model.