Conference Presentations

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Moving on Up: Using Websites for Teacher and Staff Training

The Online Training Tools for Cloud Community College site was created so teachers and staff at the college could easily access training information regarding Canvas, basic technologies and student help. It has accomplished those goals and has provided a springboard to launch staff and student email newsletters, giving the faculty college information, and upgrading the college’s technological abilities. This presentation describes the objectives of the site and  ways that a site such as this can benefit any program. 

Multi-Focal Rubric Development: Bringing the Big Picture Vision Through Multiple Viewpoints

An important component of facilitating learning is the development of clearly measurable rubrics that assist the learner to understand what s/he will need to be able to demonstrate and accomplish to achieve the specific learning outcomes related to a given assignment or deliverable. In higher level learning opportunities (high school, college, university, and corporate), many assignments and learning activities are related to more than one learning outcome.

Navigating a Journey with Quality Matters Professional Development

Faculty and instructional designers who are new to Quality Matters often feel unsure or intimidated by the process of QM professional development, which leads to QM roles. I remember feeling lost when I was first introduced to QM several years ago. During last year's QM Connect conference, I was approached by several people with questions on how to become a Master Reviewer. Join this session for some answers about your peers' QM professional development journey.

Navigating AI in the College Classroom: Fostering Critical Conversations and Comparisons

As AI becomes more integrated into classrooms, it is imperative for educators to navigate its role in the college classroom effectively. Rather than resisting AI, we must empower students to engage with these tools judiciously and critically. 

This session explores strategies for fostering meaningful discussions about the reliability of information and the ethical implications of AI-generated text within assignments. Attendees will review two assignments and gain insights into facilitating critical comparisons between professional resources and AI-generated information.

Navigating the Complexities of Assessing Learning Outcomes in Multi-Campus Online Programs

Assessing program learning outcomes in multi-campus online programs can be difficult to navigate, especially when each campus has its own identity, culture, priorities, and practices. We have developed a set of standard processes that can be used across our multi-campus online programs. Balancing the diverging views and priorities of each campus involves negotiating, compromising, and developing consensus. Anticipating implementation obstacles has been essential to develop effective processes. 

NCCU Has an App for That! RE-Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Through Gamification

Built as an extension of the APPQMR, North Carolina Central University developed "You be the Reviewer: Quality Matters at NCCU" in response to an institutional need for continuous review of the Rubric Standards. This revolutionary, new text-based mobile game reinforces participants' understanding of best practices presented during the APPQMR. Join us during this highly engaging session which explores lessons learned in the development and implementation of our innovative mobile application, and extend the excitement sparked by the APPQMR throughout the course design process!

Neurodivergent Students in the Online Classroom

Polling, pairing, sharing, in partnerships and small groups will occur throughout.  Participants should be prepared to self-reflect and share personal teaching experiences in connection with the 10 pedagogical principles and teaching strategies presented. This session will be highly interactive, with several stopping points in the presentation for personal interaction. Cell phones usage required, and the audience should be motivated to talk and listen to others throughout.

No Room in the Schedule to Add a Career Exploration Course? Then Create One ON -­‐ LINE!

Bloom Carroll High School, a small rural high school in Ohio, launched an online Career Exploration Course, and 10% of the student body has enrolled. This course is designed to help students find their pathway from a backpack to the workplace. Students are able to work during their study halls at school, or from any external computer, tablet, or even phone! In this course, students immediately develop a personal connection with their work, as it is all about the road map to their life after high school.

No Instructional Designer! Now what?

 What does an instructor do when an IHE has no Instructional Designer on staff?


Learn how QM standards influenced the design of a new, innovative educator preparation program.  This is the IHE's only fully-hybrid designed program that is aligned to QM standards. 


We'll discuss how this program has already influened other academic departments use of QM standards; as well as, share how Quality Matters has influenced both hybrid and fully F2F course design and delivery.  


No Muss! No Fuss!

Interested in saving time and energy while you prepare your course for QM review? Want to decrease emails from confused students?  Wish to boost student engagement in your class without increasing the “I live with my laptop velcroed to my hip” time commitment associated with teaching online?  Then this session is for you!  Come explore the connections between LMS tools, course design and the QM rubric standards. These “hot tricks” will get you on your way to meeting expectations while (hopefully) conserving time!

Not So Lone Stars: Connecting the Global #QMmunity Using Social Media

A lack of resources - both funding and peer support - continues to be a barrier for institutions transitioning from traditional classroom structures to online or hybrid forums.  We know that faculty collaboration, both institutionally and nationally, is key to successful delivery change.  How can we use our existing resources to provide scalable and sustainable tools to support faculty with this delivery change?

Novel Approaches to Meet Accessibility Standards

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga works diligently to find ways to make information, materials, and services more accessible to everyone to support our effort to become a more inclusive campus. UTC promotes the accessibility of course materials through extensive faculty development programming and use of accessibility tools. In this session, we will discuss strategies for promoting accessibility, describe common accessibility issues, and provide a demonstration of Blackboard Ally.