Cultivating a Culture of Quality


Oregon State’s Ecampus has been on a transformative journey toward quality in distance education for over 20 years. The QM Higher Education Rubric and the rollout of our QM initiative helped us cultivate a culture of quality, which has grown and which we continue to nurture. Join us for this keynote address and hear how a QM course design initiative grew to include defined principles for online teaching, engagement of a Student Success Team in quality assurance efforts, and the launch of a marketing-team initiative to demystify “quality” for our division staff, university administrators, academic and academic partners, as well as current and prospective students. Learn how this public institution continues to cultivate a culture of quality as it branches out into new ventures, such as open educational resources and alternative credentials, and adapts to new educational technologies such as generative AI. Plan to take away ideas and inspiration to cultivate your own culture of quality!

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