As educators, we commit to high quality standards when designing online courses. Join us for a presentation on incorporating alignment of Standards 2, 3, and 4 in the development of your online courses. We will share and discuss creative course design strategies to meet these standards.
Are you an online introvert? Do you feel shy getting to know your students online, or are your students already in a cohort and you are the new kid on the block? This session will show some quick tips and tricks for online introductions, icebreakers, and team-building techniques.
When universities set out to increase their online program offerings, one of the major challenges is preparing faculty to design, teach, and review online courses. Our university is addressing that challenge through the Online Teaching Fellows Initiative, a cohort-based, hybrid-delivered, multi-semester faculty development program.
Management of online programs? Revenue generation? Resource allocation? The faculty role? Quality certification? Stability versus innovation? Where does your institution fit? A review of CHLOE 2017 and 2018 results sheds light on prevailing patterns and trends.
This introduction to easily implemented, accessible design strategies will help you meet the needs of students with disabilities and improve the user experience for all students by making smart decisions about headings, font style and size, white space, and contrast.
Having been denied access to the source files for an allegedly "open" Music Appreciation textbook, I will talk about the concept of openness in OERs, as well as the process of converting a PDF textbook into and open and accessible format.
Intended audience: Anyone interested in open educational resources and accessibility. The talk could be tailored to people of very high technical ability who are developing resources of their own.
Metacognition plays an important role in student achievement and retention of knowledge. See examples and ask questions about how the QM Rubric steers use of asynchronous interaction to measure student engagement, facilitator coaching, and assessment strategies of K-12 metacognition.
Don't miss this interactive session to demonstrate tools that specifically address Standard 6.2. Learn how to make your course interactive, increase instructor presence at no cost, and look at options for authentic assessment. Bring your devices to play along while we learn together!
What happens after the QM review? How does a campus go from QM to total QA? Hear how campus-wide quality assurance is maintained at NMSU-A. Topics will include ensuring the quality of courses, of delivery, and of master courses and providing campus-wide equivalent services for online students.
Come see what Laredo Community College is doing to gain faculty buy-in when tasked with having to design/redesign their online/hybrid courses using the Quality Matters Rubric.