How might we creatively use the QM Rubric to inform the design and/or review of our face-to-face courses? What are the barriers to using the Rubric in this manner? Could a new Rubric be developed that is specific to face-to-face course design?
Throw away the cookie cutter course models! Let's examine the ingredients for collaboratively designed, QM integrated, centrally developed courses that include spices of quality, consistency, scalability, academic freedom, and unique teaching styles. The link to the Jeopardy questions
These slides will guide our "Conversation that Matters" on an online student orientation "Onboarding" resource. It presents a series of excerpts from our canvas site which introduces, newly admitted, online students to the world of online education at Indiana University. This is our second release of this university-wide online tool in which it has relevant Quality Matters Standards built-in, to help further prepare the students for the likely experiences they will encounter in an online educational environment.
Members of a research team at a Midwestern university will provide a brief overview of the findings from their 12-month comprehensive analysis and criticism of the scholarly literature detailing published research about online higher education within the last three years.
Members of a research team at a Midwestern university will provide a brief overview of the findings from their 12-month comprehensive analysis and criticism of the scholarly literature detailing published research about online higher education within the last three years.
Step into the virtual world! Explore new ways of presenting your learning materials that will appeal to your learners. Be part of the 21st Century innovation. This presentation emphasizes collaboration and discussion. Please come to listen as well as share your thoughts. We will leave the session with possibilities to explore about educational resources. You will be invited to participate in discussions.
Step into the virtual world! Explore new ways of presenting your learning materials that will appeal to your learners. Be part of the 21st Century innovation. This presentation emphasizes collaboration and discussion. Please come to listen as well as share your thoughts. We will leave the session with possibilities to explore educational resources. You will be invited to participate in discussions.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to get the full experience as we demonstrate active learning technologies such as Perusall for active reading and collective annotations or Learning Catalytics for peer learning. See successful examples of how these traditionally F2F tools were implemented in online and hybrid classes.
Do you think that creating a multimedia presentation for your course will take a lot of time, effort, and media production skill? What if you could create a presentation using your mobile device and free/inexpensive software? In this workshop, participants will be presented with four types of multimedia presentations, as well as three types of video presentations. Then using best practices we will develop quality multimedia presentations.