Ever wonder how your online teaching skills stack up? The National Standards for Quality Online Teaching provide a framework for you to benchmark your skills. Take the self-assessment powered by 2gnoMe to see your strengths and receive valuable professional development options to help address any gaps in your practice.
Learn how IDLA Secondary teachers make sure their communications to parents or guardians are seen as important and accessible. Participants will be given examples of different forms of popular mainstream communications that go out to parents during a typical course session.
Are you looking to make your online lessons more engaging? In this session, we will discuss what an engaging lesson for secondary learners might look like in the online environment. In addition, we will offer tips, strategies, and tools for developing online lessons that will captivate your learners.
Social Emotional Learning isn't just something that is designed and developed in a course. It takes active training and a set of skills with an online educator to know what "just-in-time" supports are needed for students. Learn how Virtual Arkansas has taken the course-embedded elements of SEL and brought them full circle through leveraging all forms of communication in their courses with their teachers' learner-centric approach and systematic steps to interact, invest, and maximize every opportunity to support and build capacity in students.
How many roadblocks have your students encountered? In our session, you will get to collaborate with your peers on common accessibility challenges and we will show you how ReadSpeaker's TTS solutions can assist with breaking thru these roadblocks.