2019 QM Connect Conference

Train Your Team Before Moving Forward with QA Initiatives

Presenters will open with a discussion of the need for online learning support staff to have a common basis of knowledge as faculty who are designing to particular quality standards.
Open discussion of creating relationships based on achieving standards.

Attendees will leave with a customized approach and training structure to support the success of their instructional design support staff.

Instructional Designers: Your Greatest Asset to Successful QM Implementation

We are a large public University that offers over 1,000 individual online courses. We are in the early phases of implementing QM as an institution-wide quality assurance program. Our poster will address how to prepare an instructional design team for QM implementation as well as the strategies and tools we developed to streamline the course design process. As instructional designers complete APPQMR, they will be able to guide faculty using the QM HE Rubric while developing courses. In addition, instructional designers garner buy-in from faculty throughout QM implementation.