A Quality Matters "Quickie"


Several years ago when we first decided to adopt Quality Matters (QM) on our campus we encountered a problem of buy-in from administration and faculty.  They did not know what QM was all about and did not want to invest the time, energy or money into an unknown. We started a grassroots effort to spread the word about QM through those wonderful early adopters, but we were still missing people. We found there were opportunities at events on campus to prompt QM, but did not have a formal presentation.

This session demonstrates and discusses a teaser presentation we use at the University of Arizona to introduce faculty, staff and administrators to Quality Matters (QM).  Our main goal with the presentation is to encourage faculty to sign up for the full “Applying the QM Rubric” training.  The presentation introduces the who, the what and the why of QM.  We cover the history of QM, the QM principles and process. We also give a brief overview of the eight standards.  During our presentation, we engage the faculty to think deeper about their design practices through examples, discussions and stories from the field.

Our QM Quickie presentation has been successful across campus.  Many colleges, departments and programs have invited us to come and talk to their faculty about QM and have become part of the QM movement across campus. This presentation has helped us with consistency of our QM message across campus.  It has also become a huge time saver as we have our presentation “in the can” and are ready to go “on the road” with our message at a moments notice.

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