Excuse Me Sir, Here's Your Change: Cognitive and Affective Effects of the Applying the Quality Matters Workshop


This presentation discusses phase 1 of a two-phase Mixed Methods research study focused on evaluating the effects of the APPQMR workshop.  Three variables were measured: 1) knowledge of best practice in online course design (KBP), 2) instructor perception of online course quality (IPQ), and 3) willingness to use the QM rubric to redesign an online course (W).  The dependent variable KBP was measured using a criterion-based instrument developed by the researcher, a certified Quality Matters peer reviewer and Instructional Design Specialist. ITems were developed using the QM rubric and annotations. The second and third dependent variables were measured using Likert scales.  Results will be discussed as well as recommendations for future studies and refinement of the instrument.  Attendees will receive a full copy of the instrument.

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