Measurable, Precise, Consistent & Clear Objectives

Measurable, Precise, Consistent & Clear Objectives

Create objectives that are measurable, precise, and clear at both the course and module/unit level.
Virtual Delivery (Synchronous)
Course Length:
2 hours
Fee with Membership (Single Registration):
Fee (Single Registration):

The “Measurable, Precise, Consistent & Clear Objectives” workshop explores how to create measurable, precise, and clear objectives at both the course and module/unit level. Consistency and clarity between the module/unit-level and course-level objectives are examined. Participants will be introduced to different taxonomies that are useful in creating objectives. Throughout the session, participants will analyze a course-level objective and the associated module/unit-level objectives for a course they are teaching and make revisions as necessary.

Learning Objectives
  • Discuss the differences between goals and objectives.
  • Recognize measurable, precise, consistent, clear, and appropriate learning objectives.
  • Analyze course-level and associated module-level objectives to determine if they are consistent.
  • Draft measurable, precise, clear, and consistent objectives.

Ability to Read and Write Standard Business English

What Participants Need
  • Headset
  • 2 hours of focused time
Synchronous Session Info

Enrollment Requirements: 20 maximum per session

Offered as Virtual Workshop for a Group:
Offered as Online Workshop for a Group:
Offered as On-Site Workshop for a Group:
Virtual or On-Site Group Session Fee with Membership:
$1,500.00 (See details)
Virtual or On-Site Group Session Fee:
$2,000.00 (See details)