Research shows the reach of a QM course review or certification extends far beyond the course being certified. Here's how:
It Starts with a Single Certified Course
The impact of Quality Matters on certified courses is undeniable. Course review results in better course design, which makes navigation easier for students, reduces barriers to student achievement, and results in better outcomes. But the impact of using Quality Matters goes far beyond the course or courses being certified. Using the QM Quality Assurance System even in one area, or one course, begins to instill a “culture of quality” throughout the organization. Ninety-five percent of Course Representatives and 81 percent of Peer Reviewers have made or plan to make changes in their online courses as a result of participating in a review according to data from Course Review participants.
That’s a great start.
Expanding Exponentially
A single course review has tentacles that reach much further. In the QM process, three reviewers consult with the Course Representative (course developer) to improve a single course. The course is taught, and the students in that class are positively impacted.
But it doesn’t end there. The Course Representative then uses what she or he learned in each of the other courses being developed and taught. So all of that Course Representative’s classes are improved.
And remember those Peer Reviewers? Because QM isn’t just a one-way process — it’s about collaboration — the reviewers, being instructors themselves, take what they’ve learned and apply it to their own courses.
So the reach of the single review branches out, exponentially.
Can a Single Review Affect 360 Students?
The answer is “yes”! Here’s how: a single course review impacts four individuals — the instructor whose course is being reviewed, plus the three reviewers. These four educators take what they’ve learned to each of their other courses (conservatively, let’s say three each), for a total of 12 classes impacted. At a class size of 30 students, a single course review can, indeed, impact 360 students.
And that’s really why Quality Matters was launched in the first place — to positively impact the student experience. The QM community relies on data collected by member organizations to provide insight into how the QM quality assurance model is performing. Our members use this research in conference presentations, grant applications and dissertations to aid all our efforts for delivering on the promise of online learning.
Data listed here is from Course Review Surveys, February 2015 - June 2016